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Administrative Structure

校长是大学及其所有院系的行政首长 进行监督和指导,以促进…的有效运作 the University. The president is responsible to the 365bet Board of Trustees.

校长是教师和365bet之间的官方沟通方式 Board of Trustees and between students and the 365bet Board of Trustees. The president 每年向365bet董事会建议设立或保留职位 of faculty and other employees of the University. The president has the authority 推荐或任命人员,并在预算限制内, 确定他们的工资,并建议或批准晋升、调职、休假 员工的缺勤和免职,应按照本公司的政策和程序执行 经365bet董事会事先批准或确认.

The following officers are directly responsible to the president: 

  • Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Vice President for Finance and Administration and Chief Financial Officer
  • Vice President for Student Affairs
  • Vice President for Legal Affairs and Organizational Strategy
  • 校友,参与和慈善事业副总裁和执行董事 the 365bet Foundation
  • Vice President for Military and Veteran Affairs
  • Chief of Staff and Secretary to the 365bet Board of Trustees
  • Chief Inclusion Officer and Title IX Coordinator
  • Vice President and Director of Athletics
  • Chief Audit Officer

Current Organizational Chart

Dean of the College of Arts and Letters

艺术与文学学院(CoAL)院长提供必要的衔接, 学院各部门之间的沟通、合作和任何特殊的 programs reporting through the dean's office and with the University as a whole. The 院长,在教务长和学术高级副校长的指导下 管理、监督和参与设计、规划、组织、运营; 艺术与文学的教学、公共服务、研究和评价 staff functions. The departments/programs in the College of Arts and Letters include African American Studies; department of Art and Design; Center of Excellence for Creative Arts; Communication; History and Philosophy; Languages and Literature; Music; Theatre and Dance; and Women’s Studies.

Dean of the College of Behavioral and Health Sciences

365bet平台(CoBHS)院长提供 各部门之间必要的衔接、沟通和合作 College and any special programs reporting through the dean's office and with the University as a whole. The dean, under the general direction of the Provost and Senior 负责学术事务的副校长,监督并参与设计、规划、 学院教学、公共服务的组织、运作和评价; research and staff functions. The departments and schools in College of Behavioral and Health Sciences include the School of Nursing and the departments of Criminal Justice; Health and Human Performance; Leadership; Military Science and Leadership; Political Science and Public Management; Psychological Science and Counseling; Social Work; and Sociology and Community Development.

Dean of the College of Business

商学院院长(CoB)提供必要的衔接, 学院各部门之间的沟通、合作和任何特殊的 programs reporting through the dean's office and with the University as a whole. The 院长,在教务长和学术高级副校长的指导下 管理、监督并参与设计、规划、组织、运营 对学院的教学、公共服务、研究和员工进行评估 functions. The departments in the College of Business are the department of Accounting, Finance, and Economics and the department of Management and Marketing.

Dean of the Eriksson College of Education

埃里克森教育学院(CoE)院长提供必要的衔接, 学院各部门之间的沟通、合作和任何特殊的 programs reporting through the dean's office and with the University as a whole. The 院长,在教务长和学术高级副校长的指导下 管理、监督并参与设计、规划、组织、运营 对学院的教学、公共服务、研究和员工进行评估 functions. The departments, centers and programs in the Eriksson College of Education 包括教育专业系、教与学系、 田纳西州早期儿童培训联盟(TECTA),杰克·亨特STEM中心, The Center for Rural Education, and Full Spectrum Learning (FSL). The Eriksson College 教育办公室还设有教师教育和伙伴关系办公室 Office of COE Assessment.

Dean of the College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

科学技术工程数学学院(CoSTEM)院长 provides for the necessary articulation, communication, and cooperation among the 学院的部门和任何通过院长办公室报告的特殊项目 and with the University as a whole. The dean, under the general direction of the Provost 主管学术事务的高级副校长,负责监督和参与 设计、策划、组织、操作和评价教学、公共 所有部门、中心和项目的服务、研究和员工职能 the College of STEM. The departments, centers, and programs in the College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics include department of Agriculture; Allied Health Sciences; Biology; Chemistry; Center of Excellence for Field Biology; Computer Science and Information Technology; Earth and Environmental Sciences; Engineering Technology; Farm and Environmental Education Center; GIS Center; Mathematics and Statistics; Physics, Engineering and Astronomy; and the Southeastern Grasslands Initiative.

Dean of the College of Graduate Studies

The dean of the College of Graduate Studies is responsible for policy development 以及影响研究生院和研究生院的政策管理 students. The dean works with the Graduate Academic Council and Research Council in 建议政策,院长负责展示课程和项目 need to the academic deans at the graduate level. The dean is responsible for information 与研究生项目相关,与学术院长直接反馈. 院长还监督学院各院系的研究生项目. 因此,院长直接参与计划、人员配备和课程设置 审查,政策实施,教学计划,研究,公共服务,和 financial operations within the college.

Executive Director of 365bet Center at Fort Campbell

执行董事负责在Fort的Austin Peay中心的运营 Campbell. The executive director also serves as the academic liaison to the Clarksville campus. The executive director, under the general direction of the Provost and Vice 教务处处长,参与设计、策划、组织 and operation of the AP Center at Fort Campbell. 

Director of Library Services

图书馆服务主任负责领导和管理这些服务 图书馆的服务,资源和设施,以支持教育,研究 and public service mission of the University. The director oversees the coordination of the organizational units within the Library; communicates library needs to the University community; represents the University at library meetings; and serves as 图书馆管理系的主席,负责教职员工的保留和终身任职, and promotion processes. The units within the Library include Access Services; Research and Instruction; Resources Management; Digital Services; Archives and Special Collections; and Technology Resources. The director reports directly to the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs.

学术咨询,UNIV 1000, AS大学研究,BS大学研究,PASS 0900

 Allen Barger, Director


Academic Inventory

Jasmine O’Brien


Admissions Standards, Campus Recruiting Events

Amy Corlew
Executive Director of Admissions


Athletic Events, Tickets, Govs

Athletic Operations


Campus Safety Concerns, Dangerous/Illegal Behavior

Sammie Williams, Campus Police Chief


Careers, Job Listings, Choosing a Major, Internships

Eric Morgan,
Director of Career Services


Classroom Misconduct, Student Discipline Issues, Academic Dishonesty



D2L, Turnitin, Online proctoring, online video/captions, online course design

Distance Education Support Desk


Dual Enrollment

Jordan Hartwell,
Assistant Director of Dual Enrollment


Financial Aid, Veterans Affairs

Randi Robinson,
Executive Director


Grade Reporting,  OneStop, Academic Records

Catherine Winn,
Associate Registrar


Research & Sponsored Programs

Chad Brooks,


Harassment or Discrimination

Sheila Bryant, Office of Equity, Access & Inclusion


Health Services/Counseling

Jill Degraauw, Assistant Director


Housing and Residence Life

Joe Mills, Assistant Vice President


信息技术。用户帐户管理、应用程序、计算机、移动设备 audio visual and network tech support, information security breaches

GovsTech Help Desk


Media Inquiries, Publications

Bill Persinger, Executive Director, Public Relations and Marketing


Online Course Development, 365bet Online

Anna Carrie Webb, Executive Director of Distance Education


Pay Check, Contract, Salary




Rasheda Smith, Director of Parking and Transportation


Student Disability Registration, Accommodations

Jamie McCrary, Director, Student Disability Resource Center


Student Organizations, Student Life & Engagement



Telephone Equipment, Voice Mail, Telephone Directory

 Telephone Services


Tutoring Assistance

Tutoring Lab