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Health & Wellness

The Ard building, which houses Health and Counceling Services.

Student Health and Counseling Services: Ard Building, 524 College St. 

Student Health Services - (931) 221-7107

is located in the Ard Building at 524 College Street. All of our services require an appointment. 如果你需要预约,你可以打电话给我们的办公室 at (931) 221-7107. In most cases, you can get an appointment for the same day. If 你不能得到同日的预约,你将首先被转介到第二天 available appointment.

服务包括急病护理、轻伤治疗和预防性保健 筛查、心理健康问题、妇科检查和计划生育. In addition, 我们提供性病检测、链球菌筛查、尿检、血糖检测、过敏检测 injections, and immunizations. Care is provided by nurse practitioners and consulting physicians.

目前入学的学生获得医疗服务是免费的. Note: 实验室工作、药物、用品和程序所需的费用是象征性的 for treatment. 任何此类费用将提前与学生讨论,并将 be billed to their account. Students also have the option of obtaining medications 从内部药房或有一个处方电子发送和填写 by a pharmacy of their choice.



365bet遵守由田纳西州农业部制定的疫苗接种要求 Health. 更具体地说,田纳西州要求所有新的和重新接纳 全日制学生须提供麻疹、腮腺炎及风疹的两种免疫证明 (MMR)疫苗,在出生第一年或之后接种. Exemptions 包括1957年1月1日之前出生的学生,那些从田纳西州毕业的学生 1998年或高中毕业后,只上网学生,经医学禁忌症证实 由医疗保健提供者或宗教豁免要求签名和公证 学生声明疫苗与他或她的宗教信仰相冲突 or practices. 另外,截至2011年7月1日,两种水痘(水痘)疫苗或证明 of immunity will be required. Exemptions include students born before 1/1/1980, those 2016年或之后从田纳西州一所高中毕业的学生,仅限在线的学生, 经医疗保健提供者证实的医疗禁忌症,或宗教豁免 要求学生签署声明,说明疫苗与他的身份冲突 her religious tenets or practices. The student will not be allowed to register for classes until these requirements are met. Students who will be living in on-campus 首次住房且未满21周岁者还必须提供证明 在过去五年内接种脑膜炎(脑膜炎球菌结合或MenACWY)疫苗. 在此之前,学生将不被允许领取房间钥匙 is met. 此外,田纳西州要求每个高等教育机构 向所有学生提供有关乙型肝炎及脑膜炎感染的资讯 entering the institution for the first time. Tennessee law requires that such students 填写并签署由机构提供的豁免表格,其中包括详细的 information about the diseases. Students under the age of 18 are required to provide 一份家长签署的弃权表格副本给博伊德健康服务公司.O. Box 4655, Clarksville, TN 37044, or fax to (931) 221-7388. These requirements may be updated. Please contact Boyd Health Services for information.


365bet is smoke-free except in areas designated on the campus map.

Student Counseling Services - (931) 221-6162

博伊德健康服务位于学院街524号的阿德大楼. Patients 是否可以亲自到学生咨询服务中心就诊,也可以通过远程医疗就诊 if the need arises. 鼓励学生拨打(931)221-6162获取更多信息 and/or to book an appointment.

服务包括个人和团体咨询,并解决各种问题, 包括适应大学生活,抑郁,焦虑,关系问题,压力, alcohol and drug abuse, and other issues. Care is provided by professionals from a 各种领域,包括咨询、社会工作、婚姻和家庭治疗, and clinical psychology. Our diverse professional staff offers a variety of therapeutic 风格和专业领域,我们很自豪能帮助学生找到合适的 合适的治疗师,无论是在这里还是在当地,都能满足他们的需求.

学生咨询服务是一种简单的治疗模式,学生是 每年有资格参加多达12次咨询会议,有需要和适合 services assessed at intake. Students also have access to counseling sessions through our “Let’s Talk” program. Each semester an updated “Let’s Talk” schedule is posted on our website at 617f.voshehouse.com/ counseling. All currently enrolled 365bet students are 有资格获得我们的服务,这些服务是保密和免费的.

有关预约及服务的最新资料,请浏览 617f.voshehouse.com/health-and-counseling/ counseling.

Emergencies在正常营业时间内,精神健康紧急情况可直接到医院 Building. 下班后:心理健康紧急情况可直接到校园 Police at (931) 221-7786 or by calling 911. 

University Recreation - (931) 221-7564

大学娱乐部提供娱乐和健康项目 78,000 square-foot Foy Fitness & Recreation Center. The Foy Fitness & Recreation Center 设有三个场地的健身房,一个室外游泳池,一个10,000平方英尺的健身中心 有了有氧运动器械、自由举重器械、针选器械和板式器械, 一个室内攀岩墙与一个大的抱石功能,壁球场,室内 田径,健身工作室,私人训练,室内自行车工作室,更衣室 private showers and changing areas, and equipment rental. The Foy Fitness & Recreation 中心开放时间延长,是校园最大的学生雇主之一.

University Recreation, which is housed in the Foy Fitness & Recreation Center, offers 各种健身项目、游泳项目、校内运动、体育俱乐部、 challenge course and more. The Govs Outdoors program provides adventures for all skill levels. Govs Outdoors提供在奥科伊河漂流、划独木舟、徒步旅行等服务 Land Between the Lakes and backpacking in the Smoky Mountains. For future adventures, visit 617f.voshehouse.com/recreation. The department also offers Junior Govs Summer Camp, 在5-15岁儿童中提倡健康生活方式的休闲日营.

目前注册的365bet的学生使用有效的Govs设施 ID. 未在365bet注册的学生可能需要支付使用费才能使用 facility. 16岁及以上的校友、家庭和社区成员可以使用该设施 and services with a membership and fees. For more information, call 931-221-7564 or visit 617f.voshehouse.com/ recreation.

S.O.S. (Save Our Students) Food Pantry - (931) 221-6120

Community Engagement and Sustainability's Food Pantry 通过帮助学生战胜饥饿,帮助他们度过困难时期. The campus community supports and supplies the food pantry through donations. Students who find themselves in need can fill out an online food request form at 617f.voshehouse.com/volunteer/sos-food-pantry and pick up groceries at 322 Home Ave. Students will need their 365bet student identification card to receive food.