

调整 to all 费用 and charges must be in accordance with the following provisions except as previously stated, or when required by federal law or regulation to be otherwise.

Students called to active military or National Guard service during the semester are 有权100%调整或减免强制性费用. 住房和饭票 费用可根据使用情况按比例收取.


  1. 被学校取消的课程全额退款.
  2. 下降 a class can cause your financial aid to be lowered especially if you drop 全职以下. Adding and dropping a course for the same number of hours on the same day for the same term is considered a swap and there is no fee adjustment. 然而, if the class you add is online (D2L) or has additional 费用, those 费用 will be charged. 
  3. The fee adjustment for withdrawals or drops during regular terms (fall and spring) is 75% from the first day of the semester (published first day) through the fourteenth calendar day of classes and then reduced to 25% for a period of time which extends 期限的60%. 当学期的第一天正好是 Saturday, the 100% refund period is extended through the weekend until the following 星期一早上(上午12:01). 在25%的期限结束后,没有任何费用调整. 下降 or withdrawing from classes during either the 75% or the 25% fee adjustment period will result in a fee adjustment of assessed maintenance 费用 based on the total credit 学生最后注册的时间. 请参阅 重要的日子 查看学期的费用调整日历.
  4. For summer sessions and other short terms, the 75% fee adjustment period and the 25% fee adjustment period will extend a length of time which is the same proportion of 这个词 as the 75% and 25% periods are of the regular terms. 请参阅 重要的日子 查看学期的费用调整日历.
  5. All fee adjustment periods will be rounded to 整整一天s and the date on which each fee adjustment periods end will be included in publications. 在计算75%的时候 period for other than the fall and spring and in calculating the 25% length of term in all cases, the number of calendar days during 这个词 will be considered. 当 the calculation produces a fractional day, rounding will be up or down to the nearest 整整一天.
  6. A full refund (100%) is provided on behalf of a student whose death occurs during 这个词. 任何债务都应从退款中抵销.
  7. A 100% refund will be provided for students who enroll under an advance registration system but who drop a course or courses prior to the beginning of the first day of class.
  8. A 100% refund will be provided to students who are compelled by the institution to withdraw when it is determined that through institutional error they were academically ineligible for enrollment or were not properly admitted to enroll for the course(s) 被删除. An appropriate official must certify in writing that this provision 适用于每种情况.
  9. 当 courses are included in a regular term's registration process for administrative convenience, but the course does not begin until later in 这个词, the 75% and/or 25% fee adjustment periods will be based on the particular courses beginning and ending 日期. This provision does not apply to classes during the fall or spring terms which 可能每周只见面一次. 这些课程将遵循相同的退款日期 这学期的常规课程.
  10. The fee adjustment is calculated as the difference between (1) the per credit hour cost of originally enrolled hours and (2) the per credit hour cost of the courses at final enrollment after adjustments have been applied for all courses dropped. 调整 are calculated at the full per credit hour rate less the fee adjustment credit at the applicable fee adjustment percentage (regardless of the original number of hours 登记). 并不是所有的退学都会导致费用调整.
  11. If a balance is paid with a credit card, then any refunds owed on the account (equal to or less than what was paid) will be refunded back to the credit card used to pay balance; any funds owed above the cost originally paid will be refunded via Direct 给学生的押金或退款支票. 


The fee adjustment provision for out-of-state tuition is the same as that for maintenance 费用. The 75% fee adjustment period and the 25% fee adjustment period will follow the same 日期 as the fee adjustment periods for maintenance 费用. 当100%的维护 费用 are refunded, 100% of out-of-state tuition is also refunded. 计算程序 是否与指定的维护费相同.


  1. Refund of residence hall rent after registration will be prorated on a weekly calendar basis when the student is forced to withdraw from the residence hall: (1) because of personal medical reasons confirmed in writing by a licensed physician, or (2) at the request of the institution for other than disciplinary reasons. 全额退款 是在学生死亡的情况下作出的. 其他原因的取款将会 be subject to the same 75% or 25% amounts and time periods as maintenance 费用. No refund will be made other than under the above conditions.
  2. Residence hall reservations and breakage deposits will be refunded in full if: (1) the institution is notified by a specific date which it establishes, but which may not be later than 14 calendar days prior to the first official day of registration, (2) the student is prevented from entering the university because of medical reasons confirmed in writing by a licensed physician, or (3) residence hall space is not available. 完整的 refunds will also 是在学生死亡的情况下作出的.