

本月最佳学生领袖 recognize those that go above and beyond their leadership 角色. Winning students are presented a plaque, are announced on multiple university outlets, and have their name added to the perpetual plaque hanging in the Morgan University Center. Please nominate a student that has excelled in serving your department, office, or our community in PeayLink during the fall and spring semester. 


Nominated by Elizabeth Harrison "伊德里斯 exuded leadership auras from the moment we 他是在2021年开始攻读学位时认识的. 他总是在想我们能做些什么 more for international students and improve their quality of life and experiences 在阿卜苏. He has networked to help students find internships, participated in international student organization - became its president in 2022, actually, organized events for students, and brought his network together to organize a Welcome Committee, Entry 咨询委员会,足球日,以及许多其他活动. 此外,他还获得了可持续发展 award for presenting in Arizona at a Greentech conference during his first year of Master's study and took a leadership role in the new Sustainability club 在校园. He does all of this while also taking time to do his best and maintain his role as a graduate teaching assitant, support his family, and maintain a high GPA. 他是一个 这个荣誉的优秀候选人."


博士提名. Timothy Winters for his leadership 在校园: "Mackenzie exemplifies 仆人式领导精神. 她太谦虚了. 当她接受一份工作时, 她全力以赴. One example from HPC: I asked that she take over coordinating our weekly Wednesday speaker series in which faculty and staff come to the Commons 午间讲座. She quickly set up an electronic submission form, had an email sent out to all fac/staff, filtered the over 30 responses she received, set up a schedule, 并通知了所有的演讲者,都在一周多一点的时间内!! 这是典型的 麦肯齐的作品. 她真是太棒了. 她还收集了一些学习用品 等. for families in Ukraine, and she has helped with countless activities in the 荣誉共享. Mackenzie is always ready to help with anything that needs to be done."


Nominated by Victor Felts "Mason most recently served as the director of the Miss 奥斯汀·皮伊奖学金大赛. 他不仅达到了人们的期望,而且做得更好 确保活动成功. 这是一个为期九个月的领导职位,包括 recruiting contestants, selling tickets, selling advertisements for the program booklet, raising funds through other means, and overseeing a committee of other student leaders. Mason approached each of these tasks with a positive attitude and enthusiasm. 除了 to performing his assigned duties, he chose to attend interest meetings and rehearsals as well as help me encourage the contestants when they were having second thoughts 关于参加选美的事. 他是兄弟会里强有力的领袖; ensuring members were selling tickets, manning the People's Choice Award table in the MUC everyday during pageant week, and arriving on time and dressed nicely the 选美之夜. 他帮助确保了选美比赛的主人翁意识 the fraternity members; something that has been missing in the past. 这是因为 of his buy-in to the pageant and this leadership position that he was an extraordinary 学生负责人. For the first time in 13 years, I felt confident that if I were not able to attend the pageant, Mason would be able to successfully execute it in 我不在. It is for these reasons 梅森沃克 is deserving of student leader of 十月份."


Nominated by Kaitie McKinney "Everything Makenzie, or some may know her by Mak, does 在她的生活中是为了更好地支持她周围的人. 不管是朋友,家人, 组织,城市,你能想到的都有. 她是一个善良的领导者和激励者. Makenzie has been awarded Chapter President of the Year twice and led the Lambda Iota Chapter of Sigma Kappa through the pandemic gracefully and loyally, earning us the 新星奖. She is now President of 全国领导与成功学会, Treasurer of ODK, as well as Vice President of the 学生组织 Council. I am nominating and recognizing Makenzie罗斯 as 本月最佳学生领袖 due to watching her grow in Greek Life, 在校园 at 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 as well 就像在我们周边地区一样! 麦肯齐让这个世界变得更美好,更光明, and I’m thankful to have an amazing leader to look up to in her."


Nominated by MaryGrace Johnson "肯尼迪 has led by example this semester as the Executive GPC副总裁. She consistantly implemented successful programs through her dedication to preparation, her enthusiasm for creating community and grit. 肯尼迪 filled in for all 4 of the vacant programming positions in GPC this semester and took 对一个团队的工作价值毫不犹豫. 她已经证明了她是一个忠诚的人 to this organization by stepping in when her team needed her most. 她解决了 each problem that has dared cross her path with confidence and intentionality. 肯尼迪 has truely exceeded my expectations and proven that she will follow through when she 说她会完成一项任务,并且会把它做好. 我真是感激不尽 让肯尼迪明年担任GPC的女主席!"


Nominated by Dean Singleton "Tyler currently serves as the president of Omicron Delta 卡帕全国荣誉领袖. 此外,他曾担任副总裁 Recruitment for Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, a senior Peer Leader for our peer leader program 在校园 and is one of the top cadets nationally within the ROTC program 在校园. Tyler is known by his peers as a role model; an exceptional leader; someone 谁是值得信赖的、奉献的、忠诚的、真正的总督. 他也被命名为 2022 首页coming King due to his leadership and service to the University. 在所有的 student leaders that I have worked with over the years, Tyler stands out as one of 最好的. He is a wonderful example of the caliber of leader we seek to recognize 获得月度学生领袖奖. 此外,他还被选为 365bet's ODK Leader of the Year for his work with our ODK Circle and his work this past 在ODK全国领导会议上."